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We see into the life of things 
Transitional Landscapes  
Summer 2018
Marina Sartori

Merge was proud to present Transitional Landscapes in the Stone Gallery.

Curated by Reinhold Spiegler with Lisette Wong.

The images assembled in this exhibition was an exploration of landscapes through different printmaking techniques.They are a synthesis of landscape types that emerge from the printmaking process, reflecting nature in the micro and macro scales, evoking textures and atmospheres.



Personal Statement:

My inspiration comes from nature and the landscape - trying to absorb the landscape through walks and hikes, in its largeness and its detail, through sketching, collecting, and photography. Further explorations are done through drawing, painting, and printmaking.The elements found in nature make their way into the images.These abstractions become a synthesis of archetypal landscapes.The details are traces made from the collected detritus of nature.

I have a background in design and fine arts with a degree in architecture from Cornell University, USA and studied printmaking, photography, and painting at the Centre des Arts du Livre in Paris, Tyler School ofArt in Rome, and the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst in Hamburg. The themes of memory and perception explored through travel and landscape are important to my work. By using the multiple images produced through printmaking and photography, I have made artist books, postcard series, and completed various mailing projects which reflect upon movement and displacement. Recently I have also created multi-sensory participatory art which includes immersive performance events, installations and travel-based projects.  I have shown my work nationally and internationally in places such as Hamburg, Germany, Graz, Austria, and Trieste, Italy.


"While with an eye made quiet by the power

Of harmony, and the deep power of joy,

We see into the life of things.”


William Wordsworth- from Tintern Abbey

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